Burning, crippling, bone-gripping foot cramps. No one’s a fan and you know what you’re in for the moment they start.

The good news, however, most foot cramps can be treated fairly quickly and easily. The bonus, tending to foot cramps with regular massage treatment can actually feel quite amazing.

So What’s Fueling Those Foot Cramps Anyhow?

You can anticipate when they’re coming, but when they finally hit, they hit hard.

So the next time you feel them coming, here are a few things to consider. Foot cramps are essentially muscle spasms. Spasms are caused by a few things including; repeated stress, depletion, overexertion, trauma, and for most of us, dehydration. But regardless of the cause, once a foot cramp is under way – you need relief now.

2 Things You Need To Know.

1. Stand up.

Carefully alter your position so you’re able to bear weight, slowly, (but directly) on the cramping foot carefully while actively pressing it into the floor.

2. Toes to the nose.

Once you’ve initially eased the initial foot cramp slowly sit down then reach over and grab your toes. You’ll then pull them gently toward your nose to stretch the muscles in the bottom of your foot. Remember to move slowly, gently, and deliberately as we don’t want to force too much activity which could encourage an additional cramp.

Foot Cramp Prevention

Your best. Stay hydrated.

Most people will tell you, to drink 8 glasses of water per day. That’s not optimal. We’re all different, and so is our ideal level of water intake. In order to be properly hydrated and keep foot cramps at bay you should be drinking half your body weight in ounces of water daily.

For example, if you’re a 200-pound male, you should be drinking 100 ounces of water daily – taking in 25% upon rising then spreading additional consumption evenly throughout the day.

Foot Massage Long-Term Health

After maintaining proper hydration follow up with some regular foot massages. They’re quick, inexpensive, and feel amazing.

On second thought, maybe just start with the foot massage. You deserve it.