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Mon – Friday: 9 am – 7 pm
Sat: 9 am – 3 pm


2500 Dallas Parkway Suite 111, Plano, TX 75093

Are You In Pain?

Bruce Can Get You OUT OF PAIN

Plano Massage Therapy

Matsuno Wellness 27 years


Bruce Is A Proud Member Of The Following Organizations:

American Guild for Structural Integration

International Association of Structural Integrators

European Guild for Structural Integration

Celebrating Over 100 5 Star Customer Reviews

Practicing Ida Rolf’s Teachings of the Rolf Method of Structural Integration

Matsuno Wellness is Plano’s Elite advanced therapeutic tissue work and uses the system of structural integration founded by Ida Rolf. Bruce Matsuno is certified by Dr. Ed Maupin Ph.D. in Dr. Ida Rolf’s teachings of structural integration. Ed Maupin was in the first official class taught by Ida Rolf and is the most senior practitioner of her method. Bruce Matsuno is a member of The International Association of Structural Integrators (IASI). IASI is the professional organization of all recognized schools of structural integration. Bruce is also a member of The American Guild of Structural Integration, The European Guild for Structural Integration and is a Licensed Massage therapist who combines 27 years of experience and an arsenal of many advanced bodywork modalities.  Bruce’s past experience has been as the founder of a wellness center for a physical therapy clinic in the San Francisco Bay area.

As the Lead Therapist/Wellness Coordinator, Bruce assisted with physical rehabilitation under the supervision of many licensed physical therapists.  He also had officed and worked with a chiropractor for 11 years and worked with a prestigious Health and Fitness center for 10 1/2 years. People who come to see Bruce are people that have been to their medical doctor’s chiropractors, acupuncturists, personal trainers, physical therapists….etc and needed to seek further help for their solutions for their complaints.

Sometimes, it takes a  knowledgeable bodywork expert to help get you to your optimal level. This is what sets Bruce apart and makes the Matsuno Wellness Center your place for body work Plano, the last solution to your bodywork needs. We specialize in helping to Correct Posture and Scoliosis.  Your body is an advanced pulley and leverage system, that is surrounded and connected with fascia (connective tissue).  It is constantly changing to adapt to the demands that we place on our bodies.  Over time our body adaptation becomes our form, and now our form becomes our movement patterns.  Those patterns of strain and loads create stresses on our joints, disk, and vertebral spine and create wear and tear and structural changes.

Plano Massage Therapy Services

We specialize in analyzing your body, and your posture, and relate them to how we can put together a full-body approach treatment plan that is specific to your needs. This method of structural integration is a full-body manual soft tissue and movement approach that works specifically with your fascial tissue, by performing manual soft tissue manipulation, with the active participation of the client.  In this work, your connective tissue is being freed from restriction, so it can allow restricted muscles to slide over one another.  Length is brought back where the body was locked short.  Your shoulders are a prime example.  You work on a computer all day long.  You may have an ergonomic chair, but over time your head neck and shoulder move forward causing strains in your head, neck, shoulder, and upper back.

Your connective tissue over time forms to hold the demands that you put on it.  Now there is a saying “If you have cracks in the walls of your house, does it makes sense to feel the cracks? or does it make better sense to fix the foundation”  Back to your upper back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, we help by organizing your body’s structure to help to eliminate the strains and loads on your body that are causing you chronic pain. Unlike, some of the retail chains that offer bodywork, they usually are trained to do the same therapy routine that they perform person after person.  Most of them are fairly new to the field and most clients don’t get the results they are looking for.  Bruce is a graduate of 4 separate soft tissue and bodywork schools and many continual education classes over the last 27 years.

Active Therapeutic Movement Therapy

The CNS’s role is to properly hold your multifidus muscle around your spinal column and your global muscles for good posture and through proper movement.   When there is instability or weakness, your CNS tells your muscles to alter the way they would normally activate and alter its movement pattern.  We work with your CNS in your hips by creating stability in your hips/pelvis in a weight-bearing position.  From here we have you produce the movement that causes your pain, till we can fine-tune the stability, where you can perform the movement without pain.  From here we introduce a corrective isometric exercise and retrain the CNS to memorize the proper muscle activations during that movement.  Results???  Better flexibility, 50 to 80 percent less pain, with an 80% success rate after the first treatment.

Are you a professional athlete or a weekend warrior athlete that wants to enhance their game, by playing pain-free? We like to call it prehab therapy. Why wait to just fix an injury? A good analogy would be if you had a finely tuned race car and take it out of the garage to race. After the race, would it make sense to park it back in the garage for the next race? Or, would it make more sense to make sure the alignment was good to prevent wear and tear on the tires and engine, oil change, engine tune-up, etc……??? Which scenario would you be able to perform at your most optimal level? Which would have less risk of breaking down? If you agree to that taking time and effort for maintenance, then you’re going to be able to race longer and win the race. Your body is no different, except, we really can’t change our parts, or really want to get to the level that you have to.

We service the DFW metroplex, including the surrounding suburbs of Allen, Frisco, Mckinney, Castle Hills, Carrollton, Prosper, and North Dallas.

Cryotherapy Services

Bruce specializes in Orthopedic and Medical bodywork.  Orthopedic/medical therapy is outcome-based.  The treatment is performed after you’ve been evaluated licensed medical practitioner and prescribed a diagnosis.  From here, orthopedic/medical deep tissue treatments are administered with Myofascial release, specific manual soft tissue manipulation, cross friction fiber, and deep tissue/trigger point therapy for outcome-based treatments.

Here at the Matsuno Wellness Center, we work with auto accident Personal Injury Protection (PIP) cases.  With PIP auto accident cases we will refer you to our team of medical doctors that we trust for evaluation/diagnosis and a prescription for your bodywork therapy for your rehabilitation treatment or you may get a referral from your own medical practitioner that your trust as well.  This is also considered orthopedic/medical and outcome-based therapy.  We have helped hundreds of people with their rehabilitation process and return back to their normal everyday life.  This is the reason we are rated as not only the top Plano practitioners but one of the leading bodywork therapists nationwide.

We bring relief to Hip pain and low back pain.  We work with your balance with your pelvis. chronic hip pain can come from degeneration of the hip, but we have found success in helping hip pain sufferers by working with your soft tissue imbalances that may be more aligned with root causes.  Again, fascial imbalances create stress on your joints.  Aligning, lengthening, and organizing your fascia can bring balance and take those stresses that may be the cause or part of the cause of your pain.  We also will look at your movement impairment.  Your central nervous system controls how your muscles are activated.


Scoliosis Treated

After going through Bruce’s Structural Integration process, my x-rays show improved symptoms and an added inch in height.  I have the x-rays to prove it!

Cecelia Borders

Lower Back Pain

I have lower back problems from my martial arts days.  There have been many times I’ve walked into Bruce’s office all bent over and in extreme pain.  An hour later, I’m out of pain and standing straight up.  Brice is AWESOME!

JT Moore

Competition Preparation

I rely heavily on Bruce Matsuno and his Structural Integration work to keep my body in competitive form.  He is a MASTER with his hands!

Sarah Hayes

Winner of 2012 Tamp Pro & 2012 Ms. Olympia Contestant

Severe Pain

I have been a client of Bruce’s for over three years, and when I find myself in severe pain, I call Bruce. I’ve had a number of back, leg, shoulder, and neck issues occur and without fail… Bruce has been able to bring long-lasting relief where other therapies have not.

Judd Dupuis

Joint Pain

I first saw Bruce for hip joint pain and posture balancing due to needing a total hip replacement. I’m a competitive bodybuilder and was close to winning my professional status. He helped keep me completely functional and without pain so I could achieve my goal! I still work with him to improve the functionality of my hip and posture so I can continue enjoying the competition and everyday activities!  Thank you Bruce!!

Catherine Zidell

Shoulder, Lower Back, and Hip Pain

I have counted on Bruce to help with shoulder pain and lower back/hip pain and both times I have felt immediate relief with long-lasting positive effects.

He’s extremely knowledgeable, puts you at ease, explains everything well, and really puts in the time to make you get better.  No cutting corners.

I can’t recommend him enough.

Allen Milburn