Let’s run through a couple of quick scenarios, shall we?
You experience back pain when you:
Get out of bed.
Put your pants on.
Pick up the kids.
Sit at your desk. All. Day. Long.
You get it. Your back goes through a lot during the course of the day.
And if simple scenarios like those above cause you discomfort, well you’re definitely overdue for a little something to provide much-needed back pain relief… It’s called deep tissue massage.
So before you let that fiery ache blazing in your back bother you for another second, head on over to Matsuno Wellness and let you’re lumbar loose with some tantalizing deep tissue treatment.
But if you really need another reason to head over, there’s something you’ll want to know if you haven’t heard from your friends already.
You’re about to be in the care of some excellent hands. Some of the best. You see, Bruce Matsuno, the owner of Matsuno Wellness, is going to treat you and he’s one of the best to ever mold muscle. As a deep tissue mastermind with over 15 years of experience relieving back pain in people just like you, Bruce knows how you feel and he knows you’re not alone.
Most of us live with back pain every day.
But we don’t have to, and Bruce will explain why you shouldn’t. He’ll teach you that some pretty simple methods of relief will go a long way, then he’ll show you how you’ll be treated, then you’ll feel the difference for yourself – immediately. Bruce won’t keep you in suspense.
Most often, we find the source of your back pain is caused by something simple. Poor posture, or too much leaning on the center console during your daily commute are often to blame. Sit on your wallet much? That could be it too. So whether it’s something simple, or a more serious source of back pain like arthritis, a pinched nerve, pulled back muscle, or a degenerative disease. We can help you get to the bottom of it.
Your back pain can be relieved by massage. Here’s how it all works.
While traditional massage helps keep your feeling great from a maintenance perspective, deep tissue provides back pain relief in a couple of ways. You see, by methodically working through deep layers of tissue we knead your back pain away and bring your muscle back to health. Deep tissue massage helps improve blood flow while releasing lesions that bind muscle fibers and cause pain.
So while our deep tissue massage helps you to relieve back pain right away, a steady regimen of myofascial release will help to fully restore the use of musculature so you can get back to feeling your best for good.
At the end of the day, you’ll finally find that back pain relief you were looking for, along with: improved, posture, a less restricted movement pattern, increased range of motion, lower blood pressure, better blood flow, and a more relaxed stress-free state.
Yes, it’s exactly as good as it sounds. Tell us when you’re coming. We’ll handle the rest.